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SGF棋谱属性详解 [复制链接]

具有“级别”的棋手,使用“10k” 或 “10 kyu”
具有“段位”的棋手使用“3d”或“3 dan”
"0" 表示和局
"B+score" 表示黑胜
"W+score" 表示白胜, 例如 "B+2.5", "W+64" or "B+0.5"
"B+R"/"B+Resign" 和 "W+R"/"W+Resign" 表示中盘胜
使用实数,例如: "5.5", "0", "0.5" or "-10," 等
不要使用: "5点", "半目", "五又二分之一子", 等
使用大于零的整数,例如: "1", "5" or "9"
不要使用:  "二子", "三" 等
时间使用以秒为单位的实数,例如 "4600", "300"
不要使用: "1 小时" 如果你的应用软件不能把实数转换成易读的格式,是一件尴尬的事情,尽管如此,还是请坚持使用实数值。
强制使用以下格式: 使用 ISO 标准格式 "YYYY-MM-DD"
不要使用其它的分隔符诸如 "/" 或 " " 或 ".".
赛事名称EV[]赛事的名称(例如: 应氏杯)
比赛规则RU[]比赛规则 (例如: 中国规则、日本规则、韩国规则、应氏规则等)
开局ON[]描述开局 (例如: 三连星)
棋谱来源SO[]棋谱来源 (例如: 书、杂志等)
分享 转发
分享到:  QQ空间QQ空间  腾讯微博腾讯微博  腾讯朋友腾讯朋友

走子属性B(Black,黑走子), KO(KO,强制走子), MN(set Move Number,设置手数), W(White,白走子)
设置属性AB(Add Black,增加黑子), AE(Add Empty,删除棋子), AW(Add White,增加白子), PL(PLayer to play,轮谁走)
节点注释属性C(Comment,评论), DM(Even position,两分), GB(Good for Black,黑好), GW(Good for White,白好), HO(HOtspot,热点), N(Nodename,给节点命名), UC(UnClear postion,形势不明), V(Value,形势判断)
走子注释属性BM(Bad Move,恶手), DO(DOubtful,疑问手), IT(INteresting,有趣手), TE(TEsuji或Good Move,手筋或妙手)
标记属性AR(ARrow,箭头), CR(CiRcle,圆形), DD(Dim position,模糊变虚), LB(LaBel,棋盘标签), LN(LiNe,直线), MA(MArk,X形记号), SL(SeLected,选择), SQ(SQuare,方块),TR(TRiangle,三角)
根属性AP(APplication,应用软件), CA(ChArset,字符集), FF(File Format,文件格式), GM(GaMe,对局类别), ST(STyle,分支显示风格), SZ(SiZe,棋盘大小)
对局信息属性AN(ANnotator,注解者), BR(Black Rank,执黑者等级), BT(Black Team,执黑者队名), CP(CoPyright,版权), DT(DaTe,对局日期), EV(EVent name,赛事名称), GN(Game Name,对局名称), GC(Game Comment,对局评论), ON(OpeNing name,开局名称), OT(OverTime,读秒方式), PB(Player Black,执黑者), PC(PlaCe,对局地点), PW(Player White,执白者), RE(REsult,对局结果), RO(ROunt,对局轮次), RU(RUles,对局规则), SO(SOurce,棋谱来源), TM(TiMelimit,对局时限), US(USer,录入者), WR(White Rank,执白者等级), WT(White Team,执白者队名)
时间属性BL(Black time Left,执黑者剩余时间), OB(Ot stone Black,执黑者在读秒期限内尚需完成的手数), OW(Ot stone White,执白者在读秒期限内尚需完成的手数),WL(White time Left,执白者剩余时间)
其它未被分类的属性FG(FiGure,图形选项), PM(Print Manner,打印方式), VW(VieW,可视区域)


SGF 属性 (FF[4])
属性:  B
属性值: 走子
属性类型:    走子
功能:  执行一个黑走子。在实战对局集中这是最常用的属性之一。
        属性 B 和属性 W 不能处于同一个节点中。
相关属性:    W, KO

属性: KO
属性值: 无值
属性类型:    走子
功能:  执行一个由属性 B 或 W 指定的走子,即使该走子不符合规则。
        在包含属性 KO 的节点中,如果没有黑走子或白走子,则是非法的。
相关属性:    W, B

属性: MN
属性值: 数
属性类型:    走子
功能:  设定手数的数值,就是指定该节点中走子具有这个确定的手数。
相关属性:    B, W, FG, PM

属性:  W
属性值: 走子
属性类型:    走子
功能:  执行一个白走子。在实战对局集中这是最常用的属性之一。
        属性 B 和属性 W 不能处于同一个节点中。
相关属性:    B, KO

属性 AB, AW 和 AE 指定的点必须唯一,就是说,在一个节点中在相同的点上放置不同色的棋子是非法的。不能使用属性 AB, AW 和 AE 改变棋盘,就是说,在已经有黑子的点上再使用属性 AB[] 放置一枚黑子是不好的风格。应用软件会删除这个值并且给出一条警告。属性:   AB
属性值: 由棋子组成的列表
属性类型:    设置
功能:  在棋盘上增加黑子。
相关属性:    AW, AE, PL

属性: AE
属性值: list of 点
属性类型:    设置
功能:  清除棋盘上指定位置的棋子。
相关属性:    AB, AW, PL

属性: AW
属性值: list of 棋子
属性类型:    设置
功能:  在棋盘上增加白子。
相关属性:    AB, AE, PL

属性: PL
属性值: 颜色
属性类型:    设置
功能:  属性 PL 描述轮谁走子。
相关属性:    AE, AB, AW

属性:  C
属性值: 文本
属性类型:    -
功能:  提供该节点的一段评论文字。
        Provides a comment text for the given node. The purpose of
        providing both a node name and a comment is to have a short
        identifier like "doesn't work" or "Dia. 15" that can be
        displayed directly with the properties of the node, even if
        the comment is turned off or shown in a separate window.
        See text-type for more info.
相关属性:    N, ST, V, UC, DM, HO

属性: DM
属性值: 程度
属性类型:    -
功能:  形势是两分。
        SGF 阅读器应当显示一条信息。
        The position is even. SGF viewers should display a
        message. This property may indicate main variations in
        opening libraries (joseki) too. Thus DM[2] indicates an
        even result for both players and that this is a main
        variation of this joseki/opening.
        This property must not be mixed with UC, GB or GW
        within a node.
相关属性:    UC, GW, GB

属性: GB
属性值: 程度
属性类型:    -
功能:  黑好。
        SGF 阅读器应当显示一条信息。
        Something good for black. SGF viewers should display a
        message. The property is not related to any specific place
        on the board, but marks the whole node instead.
        GB must not be mixed with GW, DM or UC within a node.
相关属性:    GW, C, UC, DM

属性: GW
属性值: 程度
属性类型:    -
功能:  白好。
        SGF 阅读器应当显示一条信息。
        Something good for white. SGF viewers should display a
        message. The property is not related to any specific place
        on the board, but marks the whole node instead.
        GW must not be mixed with GB, DM or UC within a node.
相关属性:    GB, C, UC, DM

属性: HO
属性值: 程度
属性类型:    -
功能:  Node is a 'hotspot', i.e. something interesting (e.g.
        node contains a game-deciding move).
        SGF viewers should display a message.
        The property is not related to any specific place
        on the board, but marks the whole node instead.
        Sophisticated applications could implement the navigation
        command next/previous hotspot.
相关属性:    GB, GW, C, UC, DM

属性:  N
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    -
功能:  Provides a name for the node. For more info have a look at
        the C-property.
相关属性:    C, ST, V

属性: UC
属性值: 程度
属性类型:    -
功能:  The position is unclear. SGF viewers should display a
        message. This property must not be mixed with DM, GB or GW
        within a node.
相关属性:    DM, GW, GB

属性:  V
属性值: 实数
属性类型:    -
功能:  Define a value for the node.  Positive values are good for
        black, negative values are good for white.
        The interpretation of particular values is game-specific.
        In Go, this is the estimated score.
相关属性:    C, N, RE

Move annotation properties without a move (B[] or W[]) within the same node are senseless and therefore illegal. Applications should delete such properties and issue a warning. BM, TE, DO and IT are mutual exclusive, i.e. they must not be mixed within a single node.属性:   BM
属性值: 程度
属性类型:    走子
功能:  The played move is bad.
        Viewers should display a message.
相关属性:    TE, DO, IT

属性: DO
属性值: 无值
属性类型:    走子
功能:  The played move is doubtful.
        Viewers should display a message.
相关属性:    BM, TE, IT

属性: IT
属性值: 无值
属性类型:    走子
功能:  The played move is interesting.
        Viewers should display a message.
相关属性:    BM, DO, TE

属性: TE
属性值: 程度
属性类型:    走子
功能:  The played move is a tesuji (good move).
        Viewers should display a message.
相关属性:    BM, DO, IT

CR, MA, SL, SQ and TR points must be unique, i.e. it's illegal to have two or more of these markups on the same point within a node.属性:  AR
属性值: list of composed 点 ':' 点
属性类型:    -
功能:  Viewers should draw an arrow pointing FROM the first point
        TO the second point.
        It's illegal to specify the same arrow twice,
        e.g. (Go) AR[aa:bb][aa:bb]. Different arrows may have the same
        starting or ending point though.
        It's illegal to specify a one point arrow, e.g. AR[cc:cc]
        as it's impossible to tell into which direction the
        arrow points.
相关属性:    TR, CR, LB, SL, MA, SQ, LN

属性: CR
属性值: list of 点
属性类型:    -
功能:  Marks the given points with a circle.
        Points must be unique.
相关属性:    TR, MA, LB, SL, AR, SQ, LN

属性: DD
属性值: elist of 点
属性类型:    后继性
功能:  Dim (grey out) the given points.
            Have a look at the picture to get an idea.
            DD[] clears any setting, i.e. it undims everything.
相关属性:    VW

属性: LB
属性值: list of composed 点 ':' 单文本
属性类型:    -
功能:  Writes the given text on the board. The text should be
        centered around the given point. Note: there's no longer
        a restriction to the length of the text to be displayed.
        Have a look at the FF4 example file on possibilities
        to display long labels (pictures five and six).
        Points must be unique.
相关属性:    TR, CR, MA, SL, AR, SQ, LN

属性: LN
属性值: list of composed 点 ':' 点
属性类型:    -
功能:  Applications should draw a simple line form one point
        to the other.
        It's illegal to specify the same line twice,
        e.g. (Go) LN[aa:bb][aa:bb]. Different lines may have the same
        starting or ending point though.
        It's illegal to specify a one point line, e.g. LN[cc:cc].
相关属性:    TR, CR, MA, SL, AR, SQ, LB

属性: MA
属性值: list of 点
属性类型:    -
功能:  Marks the given points with an 'X'.
        Points must be unique.
相关属性:    TR, CR, LB, SL, AR, SQ, LN

属性: SL
属性值: list of 点
属性类型:    -
功能:  Selected points. Type of markup unknown
        (though SGB inverts the colors of the given points).
        Points must be unique.
相关属性:    TR, CR, LB, MA, AR, LN

属性: SQ
属性值: list of 点
属性类型:    -
功能:  Marks the given points with a square.
        Points must be unique.
相关属性:    TR, CR, LB, SL, AR, MA, LN

属性: TR
属性值: list of 点
属性类型:    -
功能:  Marks the given points with a triangle.
        Points must be unique.
相关属性:    MA, CR, LB, SL, AR, LN

属性:    AP
属性值: composed 单文本 ":" 单文本
属性类型:    根
功能:  Provides the name and version number of the application used
        to create this gametree.
        The name should be unique and must not be changed for
        different versions of the same program.
        The version number itself may be of any kind, but the format
        used must ensure that by using an ordinary string-compare,
        one is able to tell if the version is lower or higher
        than another version number.
        Here's the list of known applications and their names:

        Application          System   Name
        ---------------------------  -----------  --------------------
        [CGoban:1.6.2]           Unix     CGoban
        [Hibiscus:2.1]           Windows 95   Hibiscus Go Editor
        [IGS:5.0]                 Internet Go Server
        [Many Faces of Go:10.0]      Windows 95   The Many Faces of Go
        [MGT]              DOS/Unix     MGT
        [NNGS]             Unix     No Name Go Server
        [Primiview:3.0]          Amiga OS3.0  Primiview
        [SGB]              Macintosh    Smart Game Board
        [SmartGo:1.0]            Windows      SmartGo

相关属性:    FF, GM, SZ, ST, CA

属性: CA
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    根
功能:  Provides the used charset for SimpleText and Text type.
        Default value is 'ISO-8859-1' aka 'Latin1'.
        Only charset names (or their aliases) as specified in RFC 1345
        (or updates thereof) are allowed.
        Basically this field uses the same names as MIME messages in
        their 'charset=' field (in Content-Type).
        RFC's can be obtained via FTP from DS.INTERNIC.NET,
        or ftp://ftp.imag.fr/pub/archive/IETF/rfc.
相关属性:    FF, C, text type

属性: FF
属性值: 数 (range: 1-4)
属性类型:    根
功能:  Defines the used file format. For difference between those
        formats have a look at the history of SGF.
        Default value: 1
        Applications must be able to deal with different file formats
        within a collection.
相关属性:    GM, SZ, ST, AP, CA

属性: GM
属性值: 数 (range: 1-16)
属性类型:    根
功能:  Defines the type of game, which is stored in the current
        gametree. The property should help applications
        to reject games, they cannot handle.
        Valid numbers are: Go = 1, Othello = 2, chess = 3,
        Gomoku+Renju = 4, Nine Men's Morris = 5, Backgammon = 6,
        Chinese chess = 7, Shogi = 8, Lines of Action = 9,
        Ataxx = 10, Hex = 11, Jungle = 12, Neutron = 13,
        Philosopher's Football = 14, Quadrature = 15, Trax = 16,
        Tantrix = 17, Amazons = 18, Octi = 19, Gess = 20.
        Default value: 1
        Different kind of games may appear within a collection.
相关属性:    FF, SZ, ST, AP, CA

属性: ST
属性值: 数 (range: 0-3)
属性类型:    根
功能:  Defines how variations should be shown (this is needed to
        synchronize the comments with the variations). If ST is omitted
        viewers should offer the possibility to change the mode online.
        Basically most programs show variations in two ways:
        as markup on the board (if the variation contains a move)
        and/or as a list (in a separate window).
        The style number consists two options.
        1) show variations of successor node (children) (value: 0)
           show variations of current node   (siblings) (value: 1)
           affects markup & list
        2) do board markup         (value: 0)
           no (auto-) board markup (value: 2)
           affects markup only.
           Using no board markup could be used in problem collections
           or if variations are marked by subsequent properties.
           Viewers should take care, that the automatic variation
           board markup DOESN'T overwrite any markup of other
        The  final number is calculated by adding the values of each
        option. Example: 3 = no board markup/variations of current node
                 1 = board markup/variations of current node
        Default value: 0
相关属性:    C, FF, GM, SZ, AP, CA

属性: SZ
属性值: (数 | composed 数 ':' 数)
属性类型:    根
功能:  Defines the size of the board. If only a single value
        is given, the board is a square; with two numbers given,
        rectangular boards are possible.
        If a rectangular board is specified, the first number specifies
        the number of columns, the second provides the number of rows.
        Square boards must not be defined using the compose type
        value: e.g. SZ[19:19] is illegal.
        The valid range for SZ is any size greater or equal to 1x1.
        For Go games the maximum size is limited to 52x52.
        Default value: game specific
                   for Go: 19 (square board)
                   for Chess: 8 (square board)
        Different board sizes may appear within a collection.
        See move-/point-type for more info.
相关属性:    FF, GM, ST, AP, CA
最后编辑frx 最后编辑于 2013-05-05 22:12:06

属性: AN
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the name of the person, who made the annotations
        to the game.
相关属性:    US, SO, CP

属性: BR
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the rank of the black player.
        For Go (GM[1]) the following format is recommended:
        "..k" or "..kyu" for kyu ranks and
        "..d" or "..dan" for dan ranks.
        Go servers may want to add '?' for an uncertain rating and
        '*' for an established rating.
相关属性:    PB, BT, WR

属性: BT
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the name of the black team, if game was part of a
        team-match (e.g. China-Japan Supermatch).
相关属性:    PB, PW, WT

属性: CP
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Any copyright information (e.g. for the annotations) should
        be included here.
相关属性:    US, SO, AN

属性: DT
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the date when the game was played.
        It is MANDATORY to use the ISO-standard format for DT.
        Note: ISO format implies usage of the Gregorian calendar.
        "YYYY-MM-DD" year (4 digits), month (2 digits), day (2 digits)
        Do not use other separators such as "/", " ", "," or ".".
        Partial dates are allowed:
        "YYYY" - game was played in YYYY
        "YYYY-MM" - game was played in YYYY, month MM
        For games that last more than one day: separate other dates
        by a comma (no spaces!); following shortcuts may be used:
        "MM-DD" - if preceded by YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, MM-DD, MM or DD
        "MM" - if preceded by YYYY-MM or MM
        "DD" - if preceded by YYYY-MM-DD, MM-DD or DD
        Shortcuts acquire the last preceding YYYY and MM (if
        Note: interpretation is done from left to right.
            1996-05,06 = played in May,June 1996
            1996-05-06,07,08 = played on 6th,7th,8th May 1996
            1996,1997 = played in 1996 and 1997
            1996-12-27,28,1997-01-03,04 = played on 27th,28th
            of December 1996 and on 3rd,4th January 1997
        Note: it's recommended to use shortcuts whenever possible,
        e.g. 1997-05-05,06 instead of 1997-05-05,1997-05-06
相关属性:    EV, RO, PC, RU, RE, TM

属性: EV
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the name of the event (e.g. tournament).
        Additional information (e.g. final, playoff, ..)
        shouldn't be included (see RO).
相关属性:    GC, RO, DT, PC, RU, RE, TM

属性: GN
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides a name for the game. The name is used to
        easily find games within a collection.
        The name should therefore contain some helpful information
        for identifying the game. 'GameName' could also be used
        as the file-name, if a collection is split into
        single files.
相关属性:    GC, EV, DT, PC, RO, ID

属性: GC
属性值: 文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides some extra information about the following game.
        The intend of GC is to provide some background information
        and/or to summarize the game itself.
相关属性:    GN, ON, AN, CP

属性: ON
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides some information about the opening played
        (e.g. san-ren-sei, Chinese fuseki, etc.).
相关属性:    GN, GC

属性: OT
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Describes the method used for overtime (byo-yomi).
        Examples: "5 mins Japanese style, 1 move / min",
              "25 moves / 10 min".
相关属性:    TM, BL, WL, OB, OW

属性: PB
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the name of the black player.
相关属性:    PW, BT, WT

属性: PC
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the place where the games was played.
相关属性:    EV, DT, RO, RU, RE, TM

属性: PW
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the name of the white player.
相关属性:    PB, BT, WT

属性: RE
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the result of the game. It is MANDATORY to use the
        following format:
        "0" (zero) or "Draw" for a draw (jigo),
        "B+" ["score"] for a black win and
        "W+" ["score"] for a white win
        Score is optional (some games don't have a score e.g. chess).
        If the score is given it has to be given as a real value,
        e.g. "B+0.5", "W+64", "B+12.5"
        Use "B+R" or "B+Resign" and "W+R" or "W+Resign" for a win by
        resignation. Applications must not write "Black resigns".
        Use "B+T" or "B+Time" and "W+T" or "W+Time" for a win on time,
        "B+F" or "B+Forfeit" and "W+F" or "W+Forfeit" for a win by
        "Void" for no result or suspended play and
        "?" for an unknown result.

相关属性:    EV, DT, PC, RO, RU, TM

属性: RO
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides round-number and type of round. It should be
        written in the following way: RO[xx (tt)], where xx is the
        number of the round and (tt) the type:
        final, playoff, league, ...
相关属性:    EV, DT, PC, RU, RE, TM

属性: RU
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the used rules for this game.
        Because there are many different rules, SGF requires
        mandatory names only for a small set of well known rule sets.
        Note: it's beyond the scope of this specification to give an
        exact specification of these rule sets.
        Mandatory names for Go (GM[1]):
            "AGA" (rules of the American Go Association)
            "GOE" (the Ing rules of Goe)
            "Japanese" (the Nihon-Kiin rule set)
            "NZ" (New Zealand rules)

相关属性:    EV, DT, PC, RO, RE, TM

属性: SO
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the name of the source (e.g. book, journal, ...).
相关属性:    US, AN, CP

属性: TM
属性值: 实数
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the time limits of the game.
        The time limit is given in seconds.
相关属性:    EV, DT, PC, RO, RU, RE

属性: US
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the name of the user (or program), who entered
        the game.
相关属性:    SO, AN, CP

属性: WR
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provides the rank of the white player. For recommended
        format see BR.
相关属性:    PW, WT, BR

属性: WT
属性值: 单文本
属性类型:    对局信息
功能:  Provide the name of the white team, if game was part of a
        team-match (e.g. China-Japan Supermatch).
相关属性:    PB, PW, BT

属性:   BL
属性值: 实数
属性类型:    走子
功能:  Time left for black, after the move was made.
        Value is given in seconds.
相关属性:    TM, OT, WL, OB, OW

属性: OB
属性值: 数
属性类型:    走子
功能:  Number of black moves left (after the move of this node was
        played) to play in this byo-yomi period.
相关属性:    TM, OT, BL, WL, OW

属性: OW
属性值: 数
属性类型:    走子
功能:  Number of white moves left (after the move of this node was
        played) to play in this byo-yomi period.
相关属性:    TM, OT, BL, WL, OB

属性: WL
属性值: 实数
属性类型:    走子
功能:  Time left for white after the move was made.
        Value is given in seconds.
相关属性:    TM, OT, BL, OB, OW

属性:  FG
属性值: 无值 | composition of 数 ":" SimpleText
属性类型:    -
功能:  The figure property is used to divide a game into
        different figures for printing: a new figure starts at the
        node containing a figure property.
        If the value is not empty then
        - Simpletext provides a name for the diagram
        - Number specifies some flags (for printing).
          These flags are:
            - coordinates on/off (value: 0/1)
            - diagram name on/off (value: 0/2)
            - list moves not shown in figure on/off (value: 0/4)
              Some moves can't be shown in a diagram (e.g. ko
              captures in Go) - these moves may be listed as text.
            - remove captured stones on/off (value: 0/256)
              'remove off' means: keep captured stones in the
              diagram and don't overwrite stones played earlier -
              this is the way diagrams are printed in books.
              'remove on' means: capture and remove the stones from
              the display - this is the usual viewer mode.
              This flag is specific to Go (GM[1]).
            - hoshi dots on/off (value: 0/512)
              This flag is specific to Go (GM[1]).
            - Ignore flags on/off (value: 32768)
              If on, then all other flags should be ignored and
              the application should use its own defaults.
          The final number is calculated by summing up all flag values.
          E.g. 515 = coordinates and diagram name off, remove captured
          stones, list unshown moves, hoshi dots off;
          257 = coordinates off, diagram name on, list unshown moves,
          don't remove captured stones, hoshi dots on.
          (this is how diagrams are printed in e.g. Go World)
        Note: FG combined with VW, MN and PM are mighty tools to print
        and compile diagrams.
相关属性:    MN, PM, VW

属性: PM
属性值: 数
属性类型:    后继性
功能:  This property is used for printing.
        It specifies how move numbers should be printed.
        0 ... don't print move numbers
        1 ... print move numbers as they are
        2 ... print 'modulo 100' move numbers
            This mode is usually used in books or magazines.
            Note: Only the first move number is calculated
            'modulo 100' and the obtained number is increased
            for each move in the diagram.
            E.g. A figure containing moves
                 32-78  is printed as moves 32-78
                102-177 is printed as moves  2-77
                 67-117 is printed as moves 67-117
                154-213 is printed as moves 54-113
        Default value: 1
相关属性:    MN, FG

属性: VW
属性值: elist of 点
属性类型:    后继性
功能:  View only part of the board. The points listed are
            visible, all other points are invisible.
            Note: usually the point list is given in compressed
            format (see 'point' type)!
            Points have to be unique.
            Have a look at the picture to get an idea.
            VW[] clears any setting, i.e. the whole board is
            visible again.
相关属性:    DD, PM, FG
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